Samurai Glue ONLY
For the Samurai Glue Kit, EXTRA GLUE REFILL. You will need the Primer to fully work correctly.
Please watch the How TO Videos
OTHER helpful INFO:
In addition to the the Samurai Glue Kit,
I wanted to share other helpful items you can see used in the demo video.
A basic Prep kit is included, but for faster, more productive results a hand rotary tool is great. I have an old Dremel Stylus (not available) but this is the next best, wireless design. Dremel Lite.
Once a stone is adhered, removing it is quite difficult so I like to keep inexpensive cuticle nippers handy. USE CAUTION! SHARP!
Large Alcohol Wipes:
The small, USB fan we keep on all desks:
and.... the canvas is.... CROCS! lol
Here is a fun class on Silicone Wine Tumblers,
from the TumblerHacks101 group on Facebook,